Trauma impacts individuals, families, and communities in many ways and on many levels, and is said to be a hidden epidemic. A history of trauma is often a factor in psychiatric disorders, addictions, behavioral disorders, suicidal behavior, personality disorders, violent behavior, and a variety of chronic health problems (National Council on Behavioral Health, 2015). In the criminal justice system, nearly 100% of women and men report some sort of traumatic experience prior to incarceration.
A trauma-informed approach refers to how an agency, organization, and/or community responsible for providing services such as mental health, educational, crisis, and/or criminal justice services thinks about providing those services in a way that supports resilience, prevention, treatment, and recovery. Trauma-informed care incorporates an understanding of adverse childhood experiences and their impact on mental, emotional, and physical health.
The certificate in trauma-informed approaches prepares students to work in a highly recognized model of wellness, which supports resilience and recovery, promotes positive health outcomes, prevents the worst outcomes of psychological responses, and integrates knowledge about the pervasiveness of trauma in systems in policies, practices, and procedures.
Students will find that a certificate in trauma-informed approaches will greatly supplement their skills and knowledge not only in Psychology, Criminal Justice, Behavioral Science or Organizational Dynamics degrees, but also in disciplines outside of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, including, but not limited to, Business Management, General Studies, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Environmental Health, Human Resource Management, Information Systems Management, Nursing, Allied Health, Organizational Management, and Sports Management. Incorporating knowledge of trauma into services can help ensure physical, psychological and emotional safety for clients and for the professional themselves, and creates opportunities to rebuild a sense of empowerment and autonomy for survivors of trauma. Students must complete the Undergraduate Certificate Program form so that the certificate will appear on their transcript.
Note: Students are held to all prerequisite requirements; some students may require more than 5 courses to complete this certificate.
Introduction to Trauma-Informed Approaches
Trauma and Self-Care
Practical Implications of Trauma-Informed Approaches
Corrections and Rehabilitation
Administration of Criminal Justice Organizations
Women and Crime
Community Corrections
Domestic Violence
Victims of Crime
Health, Safety, and Nutrition
Professional Issues in Early Childhood
Creating Environments for Learning
Family, Community, and School Partnerships
Leadership and Collaboration
Health and Physical Education
Teaching in the Middle School
Classroom Culture and Student Behavior
Assessment of Young Children
Introduction to Military and Veteran Health
Ethical and Legal Issues of Healthcare
Culture of the Workplace
Survey of Human Dynamics
Stress Management
Wellness in the Workplace
Human Sexuality
Disability Issues
Crisis Intervention
Multicultural Psychology
Families and Crisis
Topics in PSY: Psychology of Leadership
Introduction to Conflict Management
Life Span Development
Infant and Toddler Development
Adolescent Development
Psychology of the Exceptional Child
Child Development
Adult Development and Aging
Marriage and the Family
Contemporary Social Problems
Community Health & Social Issues
Sociology of Disaster
Crisis Communications
Child Abuse: Recognition and Investigation
Responding and Investigation: Child Maltreatment
Responding to the Survivors of Child Abuse and Survivor Responses
Working in the Helping Professions
Case Management
Total Credits for the TIA Certificate: 15
This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2023 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.