Course Listing Guide
Below is an explanation how each course is listed when browsing or searching for courses from the website or in My成人抖音破解版 Registration.

- Term and Part of Term
Part of Term indicates when the course starts and ends within the semester. See Course Schedule and Format Options for more information about course scheduling options available.
Part of Term Description 1 Semester (15 Weeks) B1 Block I of the Semester (First 7 weeks of the Semester) B2 Block II of the Semester (Second 7 wks of the Semester) F1 Fusion 1 F2 Fusion 2 F3 Fusion 3 L Flexible M1 Modular (First Month of the Semester) M2 Modular (Second Month of the Semester) M3 Modular (Third Month of the Semester) M4 Modular (Fourth Month of the Semester) - Course Reference Number (CRN)
This five-digit number identifies a unique section of a course.
- Course Subject, Number, and Title
The academic course subject and course number are typically used together to refer to course by number, for example: SOC 101. Selecting the linked course title will show additional course details.
- Course Format (Schedule Type)
See Course Schedule and Format Options for a description of each format.
- Campus
See University Locations for more information about each of our instructional and service locations.
- Brandywine
- Dover
- Georgetown
- New Castle
- Meeting Times
Meeting days and times for courses that have scheduled meeting sessions (Face-to-Face, Hybrid, or Online Live) are listed here. Courses listed as Online typically do not have scheduled meeting sessions.
M (Monday), T (Tuesday), W (Wednesday), T (Thursday),
F (Friday), S (Saturday), S (Sunday)