1098-T Tax Forms
成人抖音破解版 has contracted with Heartland ECSI to provide 1098-T forms and related services to our students for the 2022 tax year. Heartland will mail student 1098-T forms as of on or before January 31, and they will also be available online via the my成人抖音破解版 Payment Center as of January 31.
To view or print your 1098-T:
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- On the home page, find Statements, then click View to the right of Your latest 1098-T Tax statement.
- Under 1098-T Tax Statement, click the button in the Action column, then click View.
- You will be directed to our third-party 1098-T processor, ECSI.
- In the list of documents, select the tax year you want to view or print, then click View.
The information below is for U.S. citizens and resident aliens.
About 1098-T Tax Forms
成人抖音破解版 is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to issue Form 1098-T (Tuition Statement) to any student enrolled during the academic terms in a calendar year. For terms in a calendar year, Form 1098-T documents if your enrollment status is at least half-time, and whether you were enrolled as a graduate student during the reporting period. The form also includes any scholarships or grants received between January 1 and December 31. Additionally, the form includes calendar year adjustments to charges, scholarships and grants for prior years.
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 included two tax credits that may be available to persons who pay higher education costs: the Hope Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit. 成人抖音破解版 cannot determine if you are eligible for either of these credits or the amount of the credit for which you may qualify. Please consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education, for more information.
Information reported on the federal form 1098-T by 成人抖音破解版 is based on transactions that occur on the student's account within a single federal tax year (January 1–December 31). Since Wilmington’s standard academic year spans two tax years, transactions for one academic year may be reported in two separate tax years, which could affect the 1098-T form from one year to the next.
Contact us with your questions
Our Enrollment Specialists can guide you through the application process, admission requirements, funding options and more so you can build the 成人抖音破解版 education plan that works for you.