
Early College Credit Frequently Asked Questions

What is Early College Credit?

This program offers Delaware high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take college classes and earn transferable college credits.

Do you have specific courses offered for Early College Credit?

Yes, in association with this program, we offer a variety of freshman level courses at our different campuses and online.

What is the cost of an Early College Credit course?

Early College Credit tuition is $32/credit, so 3 credit courses are $96. There are also 2 fees, a one-time application fee ($35) and a semester registration fee ($30). Students will also be required to purchase books and supplies.

What qualifies me as an Early College Credit candidate?

You must be at least 16 years old, a Delaware, junior or senior with at least a 2.7 GPA, 83 or better high school average, or B- or better grades in your high school courses.

How many Early College Credit courses can a student take?

Early College Credit students are limited to 1 course per semester.

Will Early College Credit courses transfer to other colleges and universities?

It has been our experience that in most cases the courses transfer without a problem. However, I would consult the school(s) you are planning to attend after high school graduation to be sure.

Do I have to take an entrance exam to be an Early College Credit student?

  • If you are planning to enroll in MAT 205, you will need to take a math placement assessment.
  • If you are planning to enroll in ENG 121, you will need to take an English placement assessment.
  • Some students may be exempt from the placement assessment based on a standardized test score.

See English and Math Placement Assessments for more information about completing an assessment and exemptions.

Can I use Early College Credit courses toward high school graduation?

No, Early College Credit classes are in addition to your high school curriculum and are not connected to your high school graduation requirements.

If I am a home school student, am I eligible to take these classes?

Yes, as long as you meet all of the ECC criteria. You must be a Delaware Junior or Senior and have a GPA of 2.5 or greater.

Where can I get an application to apply for the Early College Credit Program?

For Early College Credit Applications and questions contact:

Lisa Lombardozzi
Partnership Office, External Affairs

Mary Robinson
Partnership Office, External Affairs